Saturday, June 18, 2011

Uncanny Dream 2011

This evening, while attending the "Bebe" artists' reception, I promised a couple of people closer looks into the 'world of the dolls'.  While, of course, I have my own world and I live quite happily ever after as Queen, other people on the planet do manage to gather body parts and create their own dream dolls.

Bramble, Clyde, and Baby Knot were all present at the Uncanny Dream show.  They were part of the "artists' dolls" on display for the exhibition.  They are part of Little Cow Harbor and they will travel home to fairyland, well, eventually.

We also sent masks as well as Charlotte to Uncanny Dream.  A special thank you to everyone who loved something enough to purchase it.

Uncanny Dream was recently held in Seattle.  It was deemed a great success with over 200 attendees.